23 August 2017
We all have our ways of dealing with stress. Some people escape to a sunny beach, some prefer a nice glass of wine, and others even do their best to ignore it. Each way has its advantages (and sometimes disadvantages), but we can’t always do what helps at the exact moment we need to. This is where pressure points become a quick and effective long-term solution. Pressure points are areas in the body that can trigger various effects in our bodies and minds when pressure is applied to them.
The Scalp is full of pressure points, many that can effectively and discretely reduce stress levels. You can sit at your office desk, lean back and use two fingers to massage the point where the neck meets the skull for about 20 seconds. Much of the stress we accumulate during the day collects in the shoulders and neck muscles, and applying pressure to this point can relieve much of it.
This pressure point is known as Shen Men (The Spirit Gate), and some experts claim it’s the best stress-relieving point in the body. In reflexology, it’s also used to reduce inflammation and pain throughout the body. It’s recommended that you massage this spot with a cotton bud or even a pen, and to take deep, slow breaths during the massage.
Stress can make us forget to breathe, or take shallow breaths. This point helps reduce the stress that accumulates in your chest, while reminding you to breathe normally again. Use three fingers to massage this point, or one finger to tap rhythmically on the area while taking deep breaths. If you experience chronic stress, combine massaging this point with the point between your eyebrows. The connection between these two points helps to calm the nervous system.
Many reflexologists prefer to use this point because it helps create movement that frees the chest and diaphragm, which improves the breathing process. Patients who have this treatment instinctively take deeper breaths and almost always report a sensation or relief.
This is a classic spot for reflexology and acupuncture. Stress and anxiety create reverse energy flow in the body, which this spot is supposed to repair. It helps your energy to move in the right direction while aiding your mental focus and reducing stress.
The moment you press on this spot, you’ll feel your stress evaporating. It is located on one of the most important meridians (an energy channel), which affects the heart, liver, and pancreas. It is believed that much of the stress we experience is stored in the liver, so applying pressure on this point is highly effective. It is also a great spot for treating headaches, stomachaches, indigestion, and insomnia – all of which could be symptoms of stress.
If you feel stress in the upper part of your body, massaging this spot is perfect. The area could be quite tender in people who deal with a lot of stress, and in women in particular.
Pressure on this point can help ease a stressed mind that keeps rethinking whatever it is that causes your stress. Some reflexologists believe that this is the best meridian for treating the pancreas and that its location, in the center of the foot, helps patients reduce stress and provide better attention to their bodies.BEST ASTROLOGER +919445548316
7 Step Breathing Techniques Of Pranayama Yoga!
7 Step Breathing Techniques Of Pranayama Yoga!
Many of us may be uninspired to practice yoga in daily life, wary of the complicated postures and the fact that it cannot be learnt properly unless instructed by a yoga master. These 7 steps of Pranayama, however, are simple, quick and can be easily practiced. The whole procedure takes only 45 min, though it can be extended according to one’s comfort. Rise early, bathe, wear loose and comfortable clothes, sit down on the floor; straight backed and erect, in the cozy comfort of your home and get going.
Step 1: Bhastrika pranayama
Breathe in through both the nostrils, till the lungs are full and diaphragm is stretched. Then breathe out gently. Take deep breaths and then completely breathe out. Continue for 2-5 min. One page is insufficient to elucidate the benefits of deep breathing, which most of us already know very well. The influx of oxygen refreshes the muscles and prepares the body for exercise. While doing this, I also felt myself drifting into a calm meditative temperament, which eased my stress and tension.
Step 2: Kapal Bhati Pranayama
Steady your breathing and while exhaling, sharply push the air out forcefully. Relax. Inhaling takes place on its own as the stomach distends back to normal. Repeat at least 30 times or up to a minute for starters. Later you may advance to 5-10 min. By the end of a kapal bhati session, I could already feel my abdominals and throat tightened. Initially my sneezing problem got aggravated by Kapal Bhati so I had to keep a handkerchief at close quarters. But with practice, this technique works wonders for respiratory problems and blocked nose. It is tricky and it takes a little time to master it. Baba Ramdev has said that this pranayama is an all in one cure & that it helps alleviate obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, uterus problems, diabetes, cholesterol, allergies, asthma, snoring, and aids concentration. However, it is contraindicated for hypertension and heart patients.
Step 3: Bahaya Pranayama
Breathe air out completely, touch your chin to your chest, squeeze your stomach fully and hold this position for a while. A tip is to hold your breath while you let your stomach contract. Then release your chin and breathe in slowly. Repeat the process 3-5 times. You may advance gradually up to 20 repetitions. It is claimed to heal hernia, stomach ailments, uterus prolapse and all urinary and prostate problems. You may feel some pain in the upper part of the sternum or have some difficulty in holding your breath, when you’re starting off with pranayama. Again, people with hypertension and heart problems should avoid this step.
Step 4: Anulom Vilom Pranayama
It is probably the simplest step; at least it was so for me. Hold your right nostril with thumb and breathe in from the left. Now release the thumb and exhale from the right nostril while closing the left nostril with the middle and ring finger. Breathe in from right nostril. Now close it with your thumb as described previously and exhale from the left nostril. Easy? Repeat the steps for a duration of 10 min. Make sure you expand your chest while breathing, and not the stomach. Do this step slowly and do not hurry.
Step 5: Bharamari Pranayama
Close ears with thumb, with the index finger on the forehead, and the rest three on the base of the nose touching the eyes. Breathe in completely and deeply. Now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee. Repeat it for 10 min. It alleviates tension, hypertension, heart ailments, paralysis, migraine, and improves confidence & concentration.
Step 6: Udggeth Pranayama
Inhalation and exhalation should be long, slow, soft and subtle. Inhale slowly and when ready to exhale, chant Om slowly and steadily. With practice, lengthen the entire procedure to last one minute or more. Visualize the breath entering and moving inside the body. Repeat for 10 min. This is good for insomnia, deepening the quality of sleep and relieving nightmares. It helps you focus steadfast on to any task at hand. For me, it improved my Kabaddi playing!
Step 7: Pranav pranayama
Close your eyes and sit quietly. Breathe in naturally for 2-3 min or more. At this point, your body has prepared your mind for a tranquil meditative posture. Revel in the feeling and realize your spiritual calling. This delightful end result is the gift of the above 6 steps.
Pranayama is best practiced early in the morning when the air is still fresh and the stomach empty. Some people have even harnessed this science and art to lose weight. Who knows what it may do for you!
Watermelon and Summer are inseparable, one of the best thrust quencher in summer, having 92% of water, full of health benefits with Zero calorie, Zero fat and Zero cholesterol. It is abundant with some of the best anti-oxidants that helps to fight free radicals of the body thereby prevent from various diseases. It cuts the risk of cancer, diabetes, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Watermelon has viagra-effect
According to the scientists, watermelon has bioactive compounds that produce Viagra like effect in the body. It may also increase libido. Due to the presence of lycopene, phyto-nutrients – citrulline, arginine, it relaxes blood vessels, much like Viagra does. Arginine also prevents erectile dysfunction. Watermelon: Best Health benefits, Viagra effect, Glowing skin.
Watermelon reduces the risk of cancer
Watermelon has adequate amount of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene, also contain good percentage of lycopene, an antioxidant which is greatly reduces the incidence of prostate cancer. It prevents breast cancer, colon cancer and endometrial cancer too.
Watermelon has adequate amount of Vitamin A and Beta-carotene, also contain good percentage of lycopene, an antioxidant which is greatly reduces the incidence of prostate cancer. It prevents breast cancer, colon cancer and endometrial cancer too.
Watermelon lowers blood sugar
It lowers blood pressure due to presence of Potassium and Magnesium thereby adjusting the electrolyte and acid-base mechanism. These minerals regulates the functioning of Insulin thus reduces blood sugar level. Arginine presents in watermelon too enhances the sensitivity of Insulin.
Watermelon fights depression
Watermelon is a mood booster and mood elevator because of containing Vitamin B6. Scientific studies have proved that the person who is suffered from depression and anxiety have the lower level Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 acts as a neurotransmitter by producing serotonin in the body.
Full of Anti-oxidants
Watermelon is packed with best of the best antioxidants. These antioxidants are extremely beneficial to control and fights free radicals of the body thereby helpful in checking from so many diseases. Due to plentiful of antioxidants, it also acts as anti-ageing.
Watermelon good for heart disease
Watermelon has lycopene, an antioxidants, has the full ability to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are the source of many diseases. Lycopene helps to reduce cholesterol thereby ease good flow of blood in the blood vessels and reduces the risk of Cardiovascular diseases. It has also been proved by scientific research.
Watermelon is good for kidney
Watermelon is the good source of Potassium that helps to release kidney toxins. It also reduces the concentration of uric acid in blood and provide fresh environment to the kidney.
Watermelon for glowing skin
Watermelon is good for your skin as it is the rich source of Vitamin C and A. Abundance of these vitamins enable skin to heal wounds and injuries.
Watermelon for weight loss
Watermelon constitutes of 92 per cent of water. After taking proper quantity of it, reduces the desire of more eating, thus one can skip from overeating and also effective for obesity patients. Since, it is low in calories, so it is a good option in shedding weight.
Watermelon prevents cough
Watermelon is abundant with vitamin C. Vitamin C, as well as all the citrus fruits are known for immunity developer thereby helps to minimise cold and other illnesses.
Watermelon helps in digestion
Watermelon is a good source of thiamine, known for appetizer, increases appetite and thus good for digestion.
Good for eye and vision
Watermelon contains Vitamin A and Beta carotene which is good for overall development of eye and vision. It also protects against muscular degeneration.
Watermelon prevents from UV rays
Watermelon is abundant with water, fibre, lycopene, and other vitamins. All these help to minimize the impact of Ultra Violet rays to a greater extent on the body.
The Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice!
Cabbage juice is not the most common vegetable juice available, but it happens to be full of beneficial antioxidants, nutrients, and minerals. In fact, a single glass of cabbage juice provides a significant amount of vitamins A, B, C, K, and E, potassium, iron, phosphorus, glutamine, iodine, and a range of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and enzymes. Below you’ll find 8 amazing health benefits of cabbage juice:

Cabbage juice is full of antioxidants, including vitamin C and E, all of which help to improve the health and appearance of your skin. This juice will flush out free radicals from the skin’s surface and will reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles and blemishes, while leaving your skin with a healthy glowing appearance.
2. Helps You Detoxify
Famed as a diuretic, people have been drinking cabbage juice to eliminate toxins from the body for centuries. Glucosinolates are present in cabbage juice, which helps eliminate toxins, unnecessary hormones, and enzymes from the body. Furthermore, it also helps to flush out the liver and kidneys, which removes more damaging toxins from the body.
3. Lowers Cholesterol
A number of studies have found that regular consumption of cabbage juice can help lower your LDL cholesterol levels, which is the type of cholesterol that can lead to heart issues. By balancing your cholesterol levels, this juice can help with weight loss, and improve heart health.
4. Helps with Weight Loss

Cabbage juice is really low in calories, coming in at only 18 calories per glass. However. This juice is also nutrient-dense which can make your body feel full. This will decrease your risk of snacking between meals and overeating, making this type of juice an ideal part of a weight-loss diet.
5. Prevents Stomach Issues
Cabbage juice balances the acidity levels in the stomach and can reduce the presence of stomach ulcers. Due to the sulforaphane and other natural enzymes present in cabbage juice, the mucus lining of your stomach will be strengthened and it will be harder for peptic ulcers to form. In fact, studies have shown that 4-6 cups of cabbage juice a day can eradicate stomach ulcers in under 2 weeks.
6. Acts as a Brain Booster
Research has linked some of the ingredients in cabbage juice, namely vitamin K and anthocyanins, to improved brain function and lower depositions of plaque in the neural pathways. In combination with the other antioxidants, you can decrease your risk of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.
7. Lowers Blood Pressure
This juice offers a healthy dose of potassium, which means it lowers blood pressure due to potassium’s function as a vasodilator. This can reduce strain and tension in your blood vessels and arteries, which thereby lowers your risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack, while also improving muscle function and nervous system communication.
8. Prevents Cancer

There are a range of unique antioxidants in cabbage juice, including sulfuric compounds and isocyanate, both of which can prevent carcinogens from negatively impacting cells and preventing oxidative stress. Research has linked these ingredients to decreasing the risk of certain cancers, including colon, prostate, and stomach.
Side Effects of Cabbage Juice
There are very few side effects to drinking cabbage juice, although it should be noted that some people experience an increase in gas and bloating, while some others report an increase in gut inflammation. Finally, when drunken in excess, the level of iodine could potentially disrupt thyroid function. Most of the following side effects can be avoided if you drink it in moderation.
1. Flatulence and Bloating
The sulfuric compounds may interact with the bacteria in your gut, resulting in an increase in gas. This can lead to bloating and discomfort, which rarely lasts very long. You should drink a smaller amount of cabbage juice if you experience this side effect.
2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
People who have IBS have reported that drinking more than the recommended amount of cabbage juice results in a worsening of symptoms, including diarrhea, discomfort and inflammation of the gut.
3. Thyroid Function

If you drink a huge amount of cabbage juice, there’s the chance that it could affect your thyroid gland. While iodine is essential for the production of hormones and the regulation of the thyroid, too much is dangerous. If you have hyper/hypothyroidism, speak with your doctor before adding cabbage juice to your diet.
How to Make Cabbage Juice
Since cabbage juice is a difficult to find in most grocery stores, making your own at home is a popular method. Furthermore, as cabbage juice is bland, it’s best to add some extra fruits, vegetables, and spices to your juice.
• 1 medium-sized green/red cabbage, chopped and cubed
• ½ apple, peeled and cored
• 1 inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced
• 1 lemon, peeled
• 1 cup water, filtered
• ½ apple, peeled and cored
• 1 inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced
• 1 lemon, peeled
• 1 cup water, filtered
1. Wash and prepare all the ingredients (slice, core, peel, and chop).2. Add all the ingredients to a blender, and blend for 2-3 minutes until the consistency is a smooth puree.3. Place cheesecloth over the top of a bowl or container, and strain the cabbage mixture through the cheesecloth.4. Press or squeeze the cheesecloth to get all remaining juices into the container.5. Serve chilled, garnish with a cabbage leaf and enjoy.
20 August 2017
There are roughly 140,000 species of mushrooms in the world, but science is only familiar with around 10%, while only around 100 species or so are being studied for their potential health benefits and medicinal applications. Below are 9 of the most well-known health benefits of the humble, but delicious mushroom.
Mushrooms provide you with lean proteins since they have no cholesterol or fat and are low in carbohydrates. The fiber and enzymes in mushrooms also help to lower cholesterol levels. Furthermore, the high lean protein found in them helps to burn cholesterol when they’re digested. Having balanced levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) is essential for preventing cardiovascular diseases such as artherosclerosis, strokes, and heart attacks.
Anemic patients have low levels of iron in their blood, resulting in headaches, fatigue, reduced neural function, and digestive issues. Mushrooms are a great source of iron, and over 90% of the nutritive value can be absorbed by the body, which promotes the formation of red blood cells and keeps you healthy and functioning at your full potential.
Mushrooms are highly effective at preventing breast and prostate cancer thanks to the significant presence of beta-glucans and conjugated linoleic acid, which have anti-carcinogenic effects. Out of these two, linoleic acid helps to suppress the harmful effects of excess estrogen. This increase in estrogen is one of the prime causes for breast cancer in women after menopause. On the other hand, the beta glucans inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prostrate.
Mushrooms are an ideal low-energy food for diabetics. They have no fat, no cholesterol, low levels of carbohydrates, a high protein content, and numerous vitamins and minerals. They also contain a lot of fiber and water. Furthermore, they contain natural insulin and enzymes which help to break down sugar and starch in food. They are also known to contain certain compounds which help the liver, pancreas, and other endocrine glands to function properly, thereby promoting the formation of insulin and its proper regulation throughout the body.
Mushrooms are full of calcium, which is an essential nutrient when it comes down to the formation and strengthening of bones. A continual supply of calcium in your diet can reduce your chances of developing conditions such as osteoporosis, and can also reduce joint pain and the lack of mobility that is often associated with bone degradation.
Vitamin D is a rare vitamin to find in vegetables, but mushrooms, which are technically a fungus, have plenty of it. This essential vitamin can facilitate the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. They also contain these two nutrients, so the combined effect of having all these nutrients in one powerful source makes it a great idea to eat mushrooms whenever possible.
Ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant that can be found in mushrooms, helps to boost the immune system. It also helps to eradicate free radicals, which are the dangerous compounds that are released during the metabolic processes of cells, and can cause diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, mushrooms contain natural antibiotics that inhibit microbial growth and other fungal infections. And, if this wasn’t enough, the vitamins A, B, and C that are found in mushrooms help to strengthen the immune system further.
Mushrooms are high in potassium, a vasodilator that relaxes tension in the blood vessels which reduces blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause heart attacks and strokes. Furthermore, potassium also increases cognitive function because increased blood and oxygen can flow to the brain.
The selenium content of mushrooms is one of their most beneficial elements that is often overlooked. The main source of selenium is animal proteins; however, due to their classification as a fungus that feeds off animal and plant matter, mushrooms are the best way for vegetarians to obtain the necessary amount of selenium. Selenium helps to strengthen bones, teeth, nails, and hair. Furthermore, this nutrient is a powerful antioxidant, which helps the body get rid of free radicals that could potentially cause cancer.