27 November 2019
4 Simple Moves to Banish Back Pain!
Astrologer Vighnesh India: +91 9445407778 USA: +1 (425) 358-6565 / +1 (716) 777-3857 Wat'sapp.. Consultation by web appointment www.astrovighnesh.com Astrologer in US : #Astrologer in USA : #Astrologer in India : #Astrologer in Chennai : # Best Astrologer in :#Pancha Pakshi Astrology : #Astrologer in Malaysia : #Astrologer in Sri Lanka : #Astrologer in Dubai and UAE
all day can leave you feeling stiff and sore. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause or exacerbate back issues. Consequently, when we are stuck in this position, our hip flexors shorten in front and pull on our lower back. Over time, constant slouching can
lead to compressed disks. But five minutes of simple stretching each day can wash away any tightness in your body. Here are four moves you can do:
How: Start at the edge of your chair. Place your hands behind you, keeping your fingers facing away from your hips. Prop yourself up on your fingertips, drawing your sacrum in and up to lift your lower back. Allow your back to bend all the way up
through your chest to shoulder blades and open up your entire front body. Hold and breathe for 8 to 10 breaths, then release.
How: Sit at the edge of your chair, keep your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your knees and inhale. Lift your chest and stick the hips out behind you. Keep your gaze lifted and your chest open.. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together,
as seen in photo A. On an exhale, round your chest and scoop in your belly. Curl your tailbone under, drop your head toward your sternum, as seen in image B. Repeat for a series of 10 cycles.
How: Keep your feet hip-width distance apart, hands resting on your knees as seen in image A. Inhale and begin circling your torso clockwise.. Initiate the movement from the base of the spine, as seen in image B. Complete about 8 to 10 rotations, stop,
and then repeat the motion. This time circle in a counterclockwise direction. Continue to alternate for 2 to 3 minutes.
How: Sit with your feet hip-width distance apart. Keep your hands hanging at your sides as seen in image A. From your head, round down through the spine, as depicted in image B. Exhale, letting your forehead lean forward and allow the weight of your
head to bring you over until the top of your head is by your thighs, as viewed in image C. Inhale and slowly stack your vertebrae as you round up to sit. Draw your belly button to your spine and protect your back. Feel the articulation as you round up and
continue this up and down movement for about 5 to 8 cycles.
25 November 2019
Astrologer Vighnesh India: +91 9445407778 USA: +1 (425) 358-6565 / +1 (716) 777-3857 Wat'sapp.. Consultation by web appointment www.astrovighnesh.com
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isn’t a worse way to start the day than with neck pain. It doesn’t
matter whether it is a long-lasting consistent pain or a temporary
problem that occurs only on certain mornings, the oppressive feeling it
creates often interferes with the course of our day. Not everyone has
time to go for a chiropractic massage to relieve this neck pain, but
there are definitely some things you can do in the morning or before
bedtime to avoid them. Dr. Brent Wells is a chiropractor from Alaska who
has been practicing for over 20 years and has helped more than 10,000
people live without neck pain without medication. Today, he shares eight
ways to avoid neck aches that attack you during sleep and the morning
1. Get out off bed using a neck-healthy method
the first few seconds of the morning, you may be awake, but your body
is still in sleep. When you get out of bed it is more rigid and heavier,
and what you want to prevent is putting extra pressure on your neck.
So, try to get out of bed in the following way:
- Turn around to lie with your head toward the edge of the bed.
- Place your elbow near the edge of the bed on the mattress.
- Place your hands together in front of your face, and push yourself into a sitting position with them - use your elbow on the mattress.
This will help you get rid of neck pain created during sleep in the first few seconds of the morning.
2. Take a hot shower
warm water flow around your neck, stimulate you and soothe the muscles
of the area. If you have some time, you can also make yourself a
pampering bath into which you will put a few drops of essential oil.
Another thing you can do is simply use warm compresses soaked in apple
cider vinegar, warm water or a few drops of essential oil on your neck.
3. Check if you have respiratory or sinus problems
you can’t breathe properly during sleep, you’ll probably find yourself
in different positions throughout the night that actually make breathing
easier, however, they can cause you to suffer from neck pain. See a
doctor to find a better solution to the problem or, if you have a cold,
try massaging blocked nose.
4. Loosen neck muscles with stretching
a cat that wakes up from sleep and immediately stretches its body, you
too have to stretch your body after a long night of lying on the
mattress. Tension helps remind muscles and joints to move and that it's
okay - especially if they feel tight and have trouble moving.
5. Remind your body to loosen up and relax
pain starts, we sometimes contract our bodies in an attempt to avoid
it, and it does help a little, however, at the same time, it causes the
muscles and joints to contract unnaturally, which will eventually
increase and worsen the pain. So, try to relax the body consciously -
lean back, breathe slowly and release every part of the body slowly.
Release the muscles along your back to your neck and let your body begin
the day in a calmer and more relaxed way.
6. Pick the right pillow
you sleep, your body should be straight from head to toe. If you sleep
on your side, choose a pillow that isn’t too thin nor too thick - one
that will be conducive to keeping your head and neck in a straight line
with your spine. If you sleep on an adjustable bed, avoid raising your
legs or head when sleeping on your side.
7. Check your posture before bedtime
you lie in bed reading a book before bed, make sure your eyes can look
at it without straining. If you feel that you need to make an effort,
your neck will probably suffer from stress as a result. In addition, the
neck should not be pushed forward by anything, but rather laid in a way
that does not interfere and interrupts its natural and continuous
connection to the spine. This is also true when you watch TV or use a
smartphone in bed.
8. Use an alarm clock with soothing sounds
probably chose your favorite ringtone to wake you up in the morning,
and you may have your alarm on full volume because that’s the only way
you’ll get up and not ignore it, but if you sometimes wake up in panic,
something needs to be changed. When you wake up in a panic you may make
very sharp movements that increase the pain that is generated during the
night in the neck. Therefore, you may want to choose a more relaxed
ringtone or download an app that increases the frequency of the alarm
clock slowly and doesn’t play it loudly from the start. Remember, no one
s to be jostled out of sleep!
The Body's Processes Over a 24-Hour Period!
Astrologer Vighnesh India: +91 9445407778 USA: +1 (425) 358-6565 / +1 (716) 777-3857 Wat'sapp.. Consultation by web appointment www.astrovighnesh.com
Astrologer in US : #Astrologer in USA : #Astrologer in India : #Astrologer in Chennai : # Best Astrologer in :#Pancha Pakshi Astrology : #Astrologer in Malaysia : #Astrologer in Sri Lanka : #Astrologer in Dubai and UAE
Pain or illness can sometimes make us feel that our bodies are starting to "creak" and even "betray" us, but in many cases, these feelings are totally unjustified. This is because there are many processes that our body constantly carries out, some of them with precision that make them a real art form and others small factories, however, they all take place without our noticing. Some of these processes affect us over time, but all of them are repeated over the course of the day. The following sections will help you understand what your body has actually been up to these past 24 hours, and even if you thought you knew your body, you’ll undoubtedly start appreciating it once more.
1. The respiratory system
Although the complex breathing process is essential to our functioning, we perform it throughout the day in parallel to many other actions without even stopping to think about it. Every day, we take an average of 20,000 breaths, about 16 breaths per minute during the day. At night, however, when our breathing becomes heavier, the frequency slightly decreases. Adult lungs, made up of 300 million tiny bags, can hold about 6 liters of air.

2. Salivary glands
The glands in our oral cavity are excellent workers producing an amazing amount of 1.5 liters of saliva daily. If they didn’t function properly, our mouth would dry up and fill with bacteria, which would make us lose the ability to digest food.
3.. Immune system
Many processes designed to prevent the development of cancer cells in the body constantly take place in our bodies. Cancer processes develop when cells organize themselves in a way that reprograms their DNA when it is estimated that tens of thousands of cells suffer from cancerous lesions with malignant potential every day. However, the body constantly sends out special enzymes whose function is to detect failures and repair them before they become tumors, succeeding for the most part.
4. Eyes
We blink about 28,000 times a day, each blink lasting less than a tenth of a second. This is a reflex that the body performs to keep the eyes clean and moist, which is necessary considering that 90% of the information we absorb every day is visual information which we, by the way, process within 0.01 seconds.
5. Body temperature
Most of our bodies’ energy is released through heat. The heat produced daily by the body is equivalent to the heat produced by 25 electric bulbs turned on for the same amount of time.
6. Ability to speak
The cooperation between our brain and our mouth allows us to speak about 5,000 words a day. In some studies, a difference between men and women was found, with some women reaching the specified amount, while men settled for only two thousand words. How many of these words are important? This is actually the same for both sexes: only between 500 and 700 of our words hold real value, such as useful information or an accurate answer to questions we’re asked.
7. The digestive process
If you thought your body only begins the digestion process when you take that first bite, you’re wrong. In fact, the body begins the digestion process way before that. The moment we smell food, the glands in our mouth begin to produce excess amounts of saliva to wake and prepare our digestive system for action. The whole digestive process takes between 6 and 8 hours, without counting the extra two days required to remove excess body fluids.
8. Growth process
It turns out that even as adults we grow an average of 8 millimeters every night during sleep, but "shrink" back to our regular height the next day. If we didn’t shrink back, we’d probably have to spend quite a bit of money on new clothes and raise our door frame every two years!
9. Liver
Our liver is busy for most of the day that it's almost impossible to summarize all the actions it carries out. It produces cholesterol, vitamin D and plasma cells in the blood, identifies the nutrients our body needs and stores some of them for future use. In addition, it filters 1.43 liters of blood every minute and produces 0.94 liters of bile every day to help us break down our food. In fact, this is a whole factory that we run completely unaware.
10. Kidneys
In each of our kidneys, there are about a million small filters that work together to filter out about 1.3 liters of blood every minute, or about 1,872 liters of blood every day. This is despite the fact that each kidney is about the size of a single fist.
11. The brain
Even when we think we are resting or spacing out, our brain does not stop working. We think on average between 50 and 60 thousand different thoughts, or between 35 and 50 thoughts a minute.
12. The heart
Our heart pumps an average of about 7,570 liters of blood along the 95,500 miles that make up our blood vessels every day. In order to reach this incredible supply, the heart beats more than 100,000 times a day!
13. Skin
The skin is our largest organ, and even if we aren’t conscious about protecting it during the summer, it keeps working to protect us. In addition to regulating the temperature of our bodies, preventing dehydration of the body tissues and protection of the tissue under it, our skin cells are constantly regenerating. The process of regeneration leads to the shedding of an astonishing one million skin cells every day, a rapid process which prevents us from being exposed to infections.
14. Regeneration of body cells
Our cells work every day to renew themselves, without us having to do anything. This means that we get a new set of taste glands every 10 days, completely new nails every 6-10 months, new bones every 10 years and even new heart cells every 20 years!
So, the next time you think your body is squeaking or on you, think again. Many of the most amazing processes that occur in the body every day and contribute to its functioning more than anything are performed effectively without our having to actively take part! Our body is a certainly a wondrous machine.
The Root Vegetables You Should Be Eating!
Astrologer Vighnesh India: +91 9445407778 USA: +1 (425) 358-6565 / +1 (716) 777-3857 Wat'sapp.. Consultation by web appointment www.astrovighnesh.com
Astrologer in US : #Astrologer in USA : #Astrologer in India : #Astrologer in Chennai : # Best Astrologer in :#Pancha Pakshi Astrology : #Astrologer in Malaysia : #Astrologer in Sri Lanka : #Astrologer in Dubai and UAE
in the ground, root vegetables seem to absorb a great amount of the
nutrients mother earth has to offer, which is why people who want to be
healthier are strongly recommended to make them a fixed addition to the
Growing in the ground, root vegetables seem to absorb a great amount of the nutrients mother earth has to offer, which is why people who want to be healthier are strongly recommended to make them a fixed addition to the menu.
You'd be well advised to start with these eight:
One of the most veried root vegetables, with over 200 types, is the yam, with colors ranging from yellow to purple. All the types of yams share high levels of vitamin B6 and potassium. There are evidence to suggest that the essence of the yam contains a chemical that serves as a substitute to the female ormone and eases the symptoms of menopause.
One of the most veried root vegetables, with over 200 types, is the yam, with colors ranging from yellow to purple. All the types of yams share high levels of vitamin B6 and potassium. There are evidence to suggest that the essence of the yam contains a chemical that serves as a substitute to the female ormone and eases the symptoms of menopause.
Although it was never proven scientifically, the Chinese have been using yams to keep up their health for hundreds of years.
Ginger is the root of a plant that Chinese medicine has been using for 2000 years. Ginger offers extensive health advantages, including help with digestion, treating osteoperosis, alleviating nausea, helping heart conditions and treating colds and headaches. All this makes it a kind of natural super food.
Ginger is the root of a plant that Chinese medicine has been using for 2000 years. Ginger offers extensive health advantages, including help with digestion, treating osteoperosis, alleviating nausea, helping heart conditions and treating colds and headaches. All this makes it a kind of natural super food.
Beets, in their royal purple, are loaded with goodies, and are a great source of energy for the body. They are high in sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosperous. They are also a fiber food and are high vitamin A, vitamin C and niacin - they are amazing, especially considering they are quite cheap. Just put them in the fridge for a few hours and you've got a very healthy snack.
Beets, in their royal purple, are loaded with goodies, and are a great source of energy for the body. They are high in sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosperous. They are also a fiber food and are high vitamin A, vitamin C and niacin - they are amazing, especially considering they are quite cheap. Just put them in the fridge for a few hours and you've got a very healthy snack.
The ancient Greeks made much use of Radish in their healing. The radish is high on vitamin C and is very good at lowering your bad cholesterol. It will also help your urinary system and will increase the supply of oxygen to your bloodstream.
The ancient Greeks made much use of Radish in their healing. The radish is high on vitamin C and is very good at lowering your bad cholesterol. It will also help your urinary system and will increase the supply of oxygen to your bloodstream.
The vegetable with the anise-like taste is a regular component in mouth higene products, like toothpaste, breath fresheners and anti-acids. The reason is that the oils in the fennel have great health benefits.
The vegetable with the anise-like taste is a regular component in mouth higene products, like toothpaste, breath fresheners and anti-acids. The reason is that the oils in the fennel have great health benefits.
addition, the fennel serves as a natural medicine for anemia as it is
very rich in iron. Digestion and respiratory problems are a few more
things the fennel can help you with. For all these reasons - we highly
recommend it makes its way into your menu.
Research in Holland has lately shown that orange and yellow vegetables were the most efficient in guarding the consumer against cardiovascular disease (CVD). Of that category, it was the carrot that were the most prominent, the most effective.
Research in Holland has lately shown that orange and yellow vegetables were the most efficient in guarding the consumer against cardiovascular disease (CVD). Of that category, it was the carrot that were the most prominent, the most effective.
that's not reason enough to say 'what's up doc?' and start munching on
one, then they are also loaded with antioxidants and do wonders for our
eyes, because of the beta-croten which our bodies convert to vitamin A.
Research has also found that eating carrots may help the health of your lungs.
Whenever you are eating an onion, try to peel as little of it as possible, because that's exactly where its flavonoids, that contain great anti inflammatory benefits, reside at their highest concentration.
Whenever you are eating an onion, try to peel as little of it as possible, because that's exactly where its flavonoids, that contain great anti inflammatory benefits, reside at their highest concentration.
addition, it was found that eating onions increases bone density, which
is especially important for the adult and mature ages. Eating onions
will help your body protect you from infections and will reduce your
risk for mouth and tracea cancers.
A bouquette of garlic can be a bit smelly, but it a great gift, that will leave you with an incredible amount of health benefits. Whole books have been written about the health benefits of garlic, and how its great for the heart, is an excellent anti-viral, helps prevent cancer and aids the metabolism. It is also a great defender from diseases that are caused by over oxidation in the body.
A bouquette of garlic can be a bit smelly, but it a great gift, that will leave you with an incredible amount of health benefits. Whole books have been written about the health benefits of garlic, and how its great for the heart, is an excellent anti-viral, helps prevent cancer and aids the metabolism. It is also a great defender from diseases that are caused by over oxidation in the body.