8 Flexibility Exercises for Pain Relief!
No matter how old you are, you should still perform flexibility exercises regularly, whether you also go to a gym or exercise at home. At a more advanced age, flexibility has a major role in increasing your range of motion, making it easier to move about and improve your general posture. Also, there are flexibility exercises that help reduce pain and stiffness, which greatly increases your quality of life. Below you will find the eight most effective exercises for dealing with the pain and discomfort that many of us encounter on a daily basis.
The best time to do these exercises is when your muscles have warmed up, which will make the stretches themselves painless. If you plan on only performing the flexibility exercises, make sure you warm up the muscles by taking a brisk walk for a few minutes. If you consider adding these exercises to your stamina or strength workout, make sure you perform them at the end of the session.
The most important thing to remember when performing flexibility exercises is that they are only effective if you’re feeling a slight stretch in the area you’re working on. Many people try and stretch to the point where they feel some pain, but you have to remember that pain is the body’s response to a potentially damaging action. The moment you feel a light stretch, maintain that level and remain in the position for 10 to 30 seconds.
Pain or stiffness in the chest and shoulder regions are common in people who spend many hours in a sitting position. This exercise releases the stiffness that forms because of the sitting posture, and stretches your hands to restore their full range of motion. You will need a rolled up mat or towel for this exercise.
• Lie down on your stomach with the roll on your left-hand side.
• Raise your head slightly, extend your left arm to the side and over the roll, without touching the floor.
• Move your hand over your head, and then return it to the side.
• Repeat 5 times per arm, and make sure you do not move the roll during the set.
• Raise your head slightly, extend your left arm to the side and over the roll, without touching the floor.
• Move your hand over your head, and then return it to the side.
• Repeat 5 times per arm, and make sure you do not move the roll during the set.
This is a great flexibility exercise for people who suffer from stiffness in the knees, and cannot perform stretches that require reaching down to your feet. In addition, using the towel aids in stretching the correct areas without damaging your back.
• Sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward.
• Place a towel under your feet and grab both ends with your hands, pulling both sides.
• Inhale and try to pull the towel as much as you can without causing yourself pain.
• Exhale and ease the pull, and then repeat.
• Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
• Place a towel under your feet and grab both ends with your hands, pulling both sides.
• Inhale and try to pull the towel as much as you can without causing yourself pain.
• Exhale and ease the pull, and then repeat.
• Maintain this position for 30 seconds.