Starting at age 30, our bones become more porous and less dense, which makes them vulnerable to fracture, bad posture and even a shrinkage of our stature. That said, there are good ways of preventing loss of bone density through exercise. Below I will explain a bit about bone density, why we lose it with age, and what exercises you can perform to maintain it.
During our lifetime, the bones in our body are dismantled and rebuilt, but after age 30, the bone gets to a state where the deconstructed material is more prevalent than the build. This situation causes osteoporosis and damages the overall strength of our frame. The osteoporosis makes our bones vulnerable and causes possible fractures. The most common places for a fracture are in the wrists, the vertebra, and the hips.
Who suffers from osteoporosis?
Because of the function estrogen plays in this process, women after menopause are the biggest sufferers of osteoporosis. That said, men also suffer from this problem. Bone density deteriorates faster in women around age 50, while with men it appears around age 70.
Because of the function estrogen plays in this process, women after menopause are the biggest sufferers of osteoporosis. That said, men also suffer from this problem. Bone density deteriorates faster in women around age 50, while with men it appears around age 70.
There are various types of medication for osteoporosis, usually given when the situation is especially bad. Still, the best known way of treating osteoporosis is prevention by exercise. Once the process of osteoporosis has already begun, exercise slowly loses effect, and so the medical recommendation is to begin regular exercise as early as possible.
The exercises laid out here are not overly complicated but can be performed on rising levels of difficulty. The idea is to challenge your body in order to strengthen it and remain at a rising level of difficulty. But one must understand and know what the limitations of the body are, so as to not cause damage during training. Regular, persistent exercises, rising in difficulty, will help you improve your bone density and slow down its breakage. The training should combine exercises that work on your balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility.
Each exercise explained here will have a basic and advanced version. If you already suffer from osteoporosis - stick to the basic version. If you feel these exercises are too easy, slowly move to the advanced version.
Each exercise explained here will have a basic and advanced version. If you already suffer from osteoporosis - stick to the basic version. If you feel these exercises are too easy, slowly move to the advanced version.
During the activity, avoid stretching your spine and wrists, keep your neck and shoulders relaxed, and don't forget to breathe during the exercise. After a light warm-up of walking or going up the stairs for 5-10 minutes, perform two sets of each exercise and rest for about 45 seconds between each set. Complete the sets of each exercise before moving on to the next. For optimal results, perform this activity 3-4 times a week, do aerobics for 30 minutes at least 3 times a week and build a diet menu rich in calcium.
2. Advanced version
Lie on your stomach and perform the same action with your arms and shoulders. Lift your arms as high as possible. Hold for 2 seconds, lower back down and repeat.
Lie on your stomach and perform the same action with your arms and shoulders. Lift your arms as high as possible. Hold for 2 seconds, lower back down and repeat.

If you're interested in a more formal frame for your workout, there are other types of exercises you can integrate into your daily routine:
Tai Chi: Builds on your coordination and muscles. It is highly recommended for women. A 45 minute exercise a day, 5 times a week, can really do wonders.
Yoga: Raises the density of minerals in the spine, hip and wrist bones. It also works on your balance, coordination, concentration and bodily awareness.
Dancing: This can be an exercise that combines dancing such as Zumba, but also tango or salsa dancing will do the trick and strengthen your bones.