31 January 2018

Honey and Cinnamon: Natural Medicine!

Honey and Cinnamon: Natural Medicine!

In many cultures of the world, a mixture of honey and cinnamon has served as a traditional cure. Today's scientists acknowledge honey as a very efficient medicine in treating a large variety of illnesses. Honey has no side effects when treating diseases, which makes it a great alternative to try. Today science claims that honey, although sweet, if taken in medical dosage, is no problem for a diabetic patient.
The Canadian journal 'Weekly World News', published a few years ago a list of diseases curable by honey and cinnamon, as evidenced in various trials.

honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine
honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine

honey and cinnamon medicine