Say Goodbye To Fungal Infection In Your Feet
the summer, the feet sweat more than they usually do, in other seasons,
so there is a greater probability of developing fungal infections in
the area surrounding the toes.
are more frequently affected than the fingernails. The medical name for
a fungal nail infection is onychomycosis. It’s not usually serious, but
can be unpleasant and difficult to treat.
The infection develops slowly and causes the nail to become discolored, thickened and distorted.
Things You Can Try
Keep your hands and feet clean and dry
Wear well-fitting shoes made of natural materials and clean cotton socks – these will allow your feet to “breathe”
your nails to keep them short – use a separate pair of clippers or
scissors for the infected nail don’t share towels and socks with other
people, and ensure your towels are washed regularly don’t walk around
barefoot in public pools, showers, and locker rooms – special shower
shoes are available to protect your feet Replace old footwear as it
could be the source of the infection However, if you experience problems
with fungal infections, there are various, highly efficient natural
home remedies can cure the infection in one or two months. You only need
to soak your feet in:
Baking Soda
soda is a readily available staple in most kitchens that can also be
used to cure toenail fungus. It will also help neutralize foot odor.
one-half cup of baking soda, one-fourth cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and
one-half cup of Epsom salt to four cups of hot water. Mix the
ingredients thoroughly, and then add one-fourth cup of white vinegar to
it. Soak the affected toenail in this solution for about 10 minutes.
Wash with clean water and dry your foot thoroughly. Repeat the process twice daily for several weeks.
is a great cure for foot infections that develop in the area between
the nails and toes, as it contains live bacteria- acidophilus. Yogurt
contains “friendly” microorganisms which destroy fungal infections.
Soak your feet in yogurt, or simply rub yogurt all over them and leave the yogurt to dry. Then, just wash off with cold water.
Hydrogen peroxide
peroxide is an ideal tool for destroying bacteria and fungi, so if you
soak your feet in a mixture from this compound and water, you can kill
unpleasant fungal infections and prevent them from spreading.
100 milliliters of 3% pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide in one
liter of distilled water and soak your feet for 20 minutes every morning
Corn Starch
is excellent in absorbing the moisture, which makes it a great
ingredient for pastes that prevent the appearance of unpleasant bacteria
and fungi.
half a teaspoon of corn starch with a little bit of warm water. Set the
oven to 220 degrees and keep the mixture in the oven until it darkens.
and dry your feet, and then rub this mixture onto them, leave it for 1
minute and then wash the mixture off with warm water.